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Mindful Mobile Use for Healthy Learning

10 July 2023

We are all very aware of the effects screen-time has on our daily life. With mobile phones constantly with us, this can begin to change our attention levels, communicative skills, as well as physical and mental health.

The Yondr program is a simple, lockable mobile phone pouch that restricts unnecessary phone access during school hours. Already deployed successfully at over 200 Australian schools, TSS will be trialling this program in Term 3 with our Year 7 cohort. By Term 4, we are aiming to roll out the program to the entire senior school.

Yondr simply uses a contact station device that allows students to lock and unlock their phone pouches so that they can adopt mindful mobile use and habits within the classroom.

“We wanted to be proactive and pragmatic whilst educating our boys on these areas. The goal of these spaces is to encourage students to engage with each other and their surroundings whilst decreasing screen time. ” Mr Karel Bos, Deputy Headmaster

We’re very excited to gain feedback from the Term 3 trial and see some positive results from this practice. Stay tuned!